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UAM CorpusTool Announcement List

  • Subscribing: If you are interested in receiving announcements of new versions of UAM CorpusTool:

    • Send an email message to: sympa@uam.es from the account you wish to receive postings.
    • Leave the subject line blank.
    • In the body of the message, write the following (except use your own name):
      1. subscribe corpustool-announce-l John Smith
    You should receive a message confirming your subscription. The message is unfortunately in Spanish. you should see: "Su suscripción a la lista corpustool-announce-L ha sido aceptada", meaning your subscription was accepted. You need do nothing at that point. If you receive no email within a few days, send email to the author at the above address to check.

  • To unsubscribe: fill in your subscribed email address below and press "unsubscribe":


  • Archives of corpustool-announce-l: To see past announcements, click here.

UAM CorpusTool Discussion List

A discussion list for CorpusTool users is available also. You can post questions to this list and get answers from others users.

  • To Subscribe:
    • send an email message to: sympa@uam.es from the account you wish to receive postings.
    • Leave the subject line blank.
    • In the body of the message, write the following (except use your own name):
      1. subscribe corpustool-l John Smith
    You should receive a message confirming your subscription. The message is unfortunately in Spanish. you should see: "Su suscripción a la lista corpustool-L ha sido aceptada", meaning your subscription was accepted. You need do nothing at that point. If you receive no email within a few days, send email to the author at the above address to check.
  • To post an email: send an email to: corpustool-l@uam.es
  • To unsubscribe: fill in your subscribed email address below and press "unsubscribe"


  • Archives of corpustool-l: To see past discussion, click here.